Went to Barbeque Nation and enjoyed the food. It was unbelievably crowded for a Monday. Anush was very excited despite a cold and asked guitar uncle to play" When I am feeling blue"!!
And the Most apt Anniv present for a couple who loves to travel - Got our new passports after this harrowing experience and another day's wait at the passport office
I thought I would not see queues like that too soon but I have been the last couple of days at all petrol/ diesel stations!! Hope emergency services do not come to a stand still in all this.
P.S. Do check out the little corners of my home and tell me if you have something nice to say.
And the Most apt Anniv present for a couple who loves to travel - Got our new passports after this harrowing experience and another day's wait at the passport office
I thought I would not see queues like that too soon but I have been the last couple of days at all petrol/ diesel stations!! Hope emergency services do not come to a stand still in all this.
P.S. Do check out the little corners of my home and tell me if you have something nice to say.
Simply love the colors in your home. The wine red is my fav, but if I paint the walls that color the husband is threatening to move out :(
Love Anushka's room too. The curtains, the bedspread, very peaceful and serene...wow!
we went y'day again!!
lovely house :)
thanks utbt- wine red evokes taht kind of response- lot of reisstance an di still wnet ahead in one nook
now people love it
chox-namvor- thanks and u r welcome there in Jan or before
itchy- great minds:-))
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