May 05, 2010

The book I met on Earth

I am reading The five people you meet in heaven. I know. I am slow on trends and am busier with kids fiction and the likes of Jeff Abbot and David Baldacci.

But what a book!! Here are two lines that I loved:

...That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.


Subhashree said...

I loved the book too. Very profound.

Kavs said...

I remember these lines from the book - Strangers are the family you are yet to meet.

Just Like That said...

Will take it this week from the library. (I don't go in for these types either..)

Artnavy said...

lovely book! finished it on the way to mlore and could barely control the tears