I am not sure if this book would be classified under the kind that sensationalises and panders to the West. However, if the plight of women there is even half as severe as depicted in the book, it is BAD news.
Have a look at this report if you want to know what else makes you lucky.******
While on horrors- MonikaM tagged me to share some of my worst domestic horrors :
Anyone who claims they do not have any is lying or is Nigella/ Martha. Since I neither lie nor am Nigella/ Martha , here are just a couple of mine from the culinary side:
I pride myself on efficiency in the kitchen.
I had left the arbi/ chepankazhunga to fry on sim since we like it really crisp but I did not want to deep fry it ( oil being unhealthy and all that) . But not having the patience to wait near the stove, I got occupied with something else. Then I went on to actually forget about it and went to the CD shop and returned half an hour late to see its charred remains. I managed to retrieve the kadai though. I did this again when boiling an egg- this time the vessel was also not retrievable.
I had forgotten to add any salt to the really yummy looking veggie upma that I had made for a guest, to whom Navy had just gloated about what a good and quick cook I was!!
I tag anyone else who would like to share their bloopers.
we all have our disasters dont we :) and princess is good and heartbreaking after reading that one actually starts counting our blessings
it has two sequels grab them if u can
hey hadn't heard of this book. sounds quite read-worthy.
btw i had a friend ( a school mom) in ldn who's dad used to work for saddam hussein's govt and eventually got arrested when he refused to go with him. the stuff she told us abt how they lived for abt a decade - always hiding from the army, being home-schooled etc was something - exactly like you say, made me realise how we take so many things for granted.
will fwd this post to her, am sure she'd relate to this book.
looks like an interesting read. Will have to check if my local library has a copy!
yes monika
planning to read the other two as well but after a break
chox/ sands- it is avail a lot here in india
oh well! i like this tag! makes me realize i am not the only klutz! hehe!
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