Anush wove her own version of a much loved originally Kannada story - The Never ending story , ( not to be confused with the very different other - my favourite movie as a child. )
I drew her a giraffe

She extended the tail and then put in some doodle and said:
" The giraffe went to Bengaluru, the giraffe's tail went to Bengaluru, the butterfly on the giraffe's tail went to Bengaluru......"
Ah so cuteee....
I like the giraffe. He seems very happy!
Btw, I moved to Wordpress from Blogger...the link is http://mybabynaren.wordpress.com/
i like the giraffe too..looks all smug and content :-)
and now we know how Anush is good at her art/craft work!
thanks all
mybabynaren- noted!!
i think the never ending story has a version ine very language. the one in marathi is about an old man and his wife!
loved the Giraffe!
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