Thanks hiphopgmom, one of the coolest paatis in the blogsphere, for this award. She is also the first blogger I met up with. It means a lot when she says " Artnavy whose muthu stories were entertainingly brilliant."
Mister Muthu is going to be published in a children's magazine, hopefully by year end. Therefore, you will no longer find it on the blog.
And I have run out of bloggers who have not received this award. So I leave you with a tag from long ago- my first tag and that too from hhgmom.
Time for an Anush round up.
She enjoys school and continues to love outings. She enjoys craft, puzzles, running about, cycling and all the things kids her age usually like. She has begun to like the sea once again
She refuses chips and asks for cucumber/ carrots instead. She loves macaroons and kadalaimittai ( chikki) and lychee juice
The paavadai fetish seems to be under control

Play dough beetle/ lady bird by Anushka
She remains endearingly manipulative - knows when she has been naughty and promptly apologises with a heart melting smile. She says thank you spontaneously when she needs to.
She likes to "massage" and be "massaged" - stretches out her legs and applies loads of cream
Anush seems to love counting and came up with this when I was explaining the weekend concept: Oneday, Twoday, Threesday, Fiveday !! (Wednesday was spared)
We also had fun playing Dumb charades though we have begun only with simple actions and words and not movie names yet.
Today Anush is 3yrs and 2months. God bless you Chinnu chikki!( current favourite term of endearment ).
fantastic post - my daughter is exactly the same. the manipulation is unbelievable at such a young age. and the spontaneous tears that can end as quickly as they start.
she loves cream too!
Anush is totally adorable!! I LOVED her diyas and the ladybug is just so perfect!!
many hugs to her!
wow! did Anush paint those diyas by herself? It is just amazing. The color combination and those twirls inside the diyas..ah! classic. This kid sure has tons of talent. I also keep checking those kolams and other drawings you display in the corner. Excellent.
i think it is my hubby's genes that she loves cream and massage
i demo-ed one and she called it a tortise and then she made this with cues from me
she does evince interest at the moment
she wants to do it herself but also takes suggestions- saying " You teach me..."
one twirl was by me to cover up some spalshing that she did while painting in the dots
she wanted to imitate that and so the other twirl happened!!
The ladybug and diyas are better than anything I could make... awesome! And I think her version of the weekdays makes more sense :D
LOLing at oneday, twoday..
diyas cool.
muthu being missed but i know where i can catch him again ;)
congrats di.. great..
Seriously speaking.. those Diyas were awesome...She really is quite crafty.
Wish I had some of her talents!!!
thanks all for stopping by
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