April 24, 2008

Return to Childhood

Bangalore was so hot!! Was there for a family wedding.

We met/ to be precise, saw, Navy's paati who has gone into coma. It is sad to see active people lose out in so many ways in their old age. ( I hope I have a quick and easy death. )

At the wedding, Anush had a wonderful time and enjoyed the multiple dress changes and the rituals and the conventional music. She went off by herself, tailing a couple of cousins and being the centre of everyone's attention.

I noticed that
- she looked taller than the rest of her age group
- she was pretty self reliant while having food
- she has developed a South Indian sing song tone to her English while asking questions: -)

We introduced Anush to those stick on (freebie) tattoos, South Indian mehendi ( marudaani) and gold fingers ( light & crisp, tubular yellow fritters that adorn your fingers before you munch them up)

Together we discovered some exotic fruit called Panneer or some such, which reminded me a little of rosewater and had a beautiful round marble sized seed inside.

Again missed meeting a couple of friends, blogging and otherwise.

Back to Chennai now and my family has arrived from Mumbai. Welcome appa and paati.


~nm said...

So where are tge pictures of the pretty princess?

Minka said...

Yeah , I noticed Anush is quite tall. for her age. She also has a very genteel lady like air about her ;-). ( I am almost jealous because when I am out with my son, I am literally running amok along with him trying to keep things sane )

Artnavy said...

yet to get the pics from the cousins and also from my cell