Pizza Hut, Pizza World, Dominos, Smokin Joes, Pizza Corner, Pizzaraunt. Their cousins Subway, Marrybrown and shortly Mc Donalds.
It is a full house in Chennai when it comes to that Italian staple. There are innovations galore- conizza and cheeze filled crust being the latest I know of.
Last evening, as I was returning from work, I saw a Pizza Hut Delivery scooter skid and fall into a puddle of water on OMR. ( OMR is Old Mahabalipuram Road, undergoing extensive make over to become the IT Super hIghway)
The delivery boy stood up and was more interesed in salvaging the pizza box and the bike rather than tend his bruises. Due to a traffic hold up, I also over heard him telling a co- Pizza boy that they would have to rush to reach the pizzas on time.
Led me to wonder-
Is it worthwhile for Pizza delivery companies to promise a timely delivery, what with all the traffic deadlocks now a days.
In this age of cell phones, can't the delivery boy inform the consumer incase of unforseen delay?
Is it okay to play with a human life just so that the consumer can enjoy a pizza on time and have the thrill of a getting a free one if there is delay in delivery?
Is it worthwhile for Pizza delivery companies to promise a timely delivery, what with all the traffic deadlocks now a days.
In this age of cell phones, can't the delivery boy inform the consumer incase of unforseen delay?
Is it okay to play with a human life just so that the consumer can enjoy a pizza on time and have the thrill of a getting a free one if there is delay in delivery?
Picture- courtesy google- Cover of a book
Good point actually. But its worth considering two things - one, that he makes more money working in the time-constrained delivery business than he would elsewhere. And two, that Indian consumers are notoriously bad at not giving a damn for who they consider 'underlings' - the janitors, cab drivers, waiters, et al. I'm not sure he wouldn't have had an irate boss or customer on the line demanding pizza once they'd confirmed that he was alive and well.
And no, I'm not a pessimist :). Dystopian society influences me, I suppose.
Thanks for stopping by btw!
really sad state of affairs this
you got such a beautiful blog, today is the first day, but from now onwards will be visiting more often.
Didn't know the story of pooh, just read it from your links. lovely blog.
and your daughter is so cute.
the pizza delivery boy would have been worried about the cut in his salary, if he fails to deliver the pizza on time...
but, isn't that how things work in this world? we are paid healthily to make ourselves unhealthy by working long hours, at ungodly hours, with no weekend or vacation to work towards the deadlines...
i even know people who were requested if it is possible to alter their marriage plans for the sake of work :D
blame it on the phb (pointy haired boss) and his policies.
As god father would say, its purely business, nothing personal.
didn't realise a simple thing like a pizza could actually start a moral debate....good ole India!! kind of amused
I remember the way we used to time the Dominos guys - to get a free pizza ...feel rather cheap about it now...and at peak lunch hours too - we pretty much didn't care how he got there - as long as he did.
and no one tipped them too :(
I guess some jobs are intrisically more risk prone but you get paid/ compensated for it.
I am still not sure it is worth it though.
i just read a few days ago that for every free pizza, they hav to pay from their pocket hence they rush. i have not checked this out with a pizza guy so i dont know.
it's only humane not to accept the free pizza.
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