After that weary tale of the tailor , here is a ready (made) smile.
Have you noticed how one of a couple, will always be ready faster than the other? I do not know why, but never have I seen husband and wife get ready equally fast or slow.
In my case I am the quick one. I do not need more than 10 minutes to get ready( inclusive of a bath). Navy needs at least thrice that time.
It is more or less the same with my ILs and the reverse with my Amma and Appa. As for my friends I have, the trend continues.
Imagine at your wedding- if one has to keep waiting for the other to turn up- cannot but wonder if there will be a re run of the Runaway Bride ( groom).
When you do not have a kid, the faster one will be pacing up and down ( convinced that it is exercise) or settle down with a book and finish a chapter or two. Or even catch a few minutes of a match or a serial.
Post kid, your virtue of getting ready early means you have the pleasure of/are saddled with getting the kiddo ready as well. Great if she is awake and ready to go "Ta taaaaa". Not so good if you have a sari on and need to get her dressed up when she is rather sleepy/ cranky and the AC decides it needs a break.
Do you agree?
On the Mumbai trip, saw a couple of interesting shop boards:
One said " TV, A/C, Freeze repair undertaken"
Another said "FUNiture 4 Kids"
" Sandwitch " available
And of course was asked" Baba hai ki baby?" ( For those of you who are unfamiliar, Baba is baby boy and baby is baby girl. )
Yes I have heard of similar complaints but usually from the men although in my house too I am the one who is ready before the man even bothers to look up from his paper and then starts to get ready.
10 minutes to get ready!? that is real quick. i take 10 minutes to brush my teeth till my mom shouts at me to stop polishing my teeth :D
10 mins?? have you ever stayed at a hostel...where else will you pick up such speed??
yes i stayed at hostel- the same one as navy
he must have been the last to go in and me the first- that explains the diff ? :-)
In our case, both of us compete for the slow-poke title. We take turns losing.
ps: you've got me humming that 'naa ready neenga ready-a' tune over and over again!! Which movie is that from, darnit!
Interesting post. love the pictures of the children, so colorful and pretty. In our house I am the fast one.I think most moms will dress the kids first but on some occasions I wished I had not, because Ibefore I was done I had to redress them again.
i am the faster one.. funny today itself I was complaining abt this to FIL when hubby asked me to get ready in 5 minutes anyway I hav learnt the trick- i give him the choice of either getting ready 1st or get the babies ready & u know what he chooses
hmm, funny you should mention the hostel. my husband's a hostelite too and he too gets ready 10 mins flat (including a bath)...on the other hand, i take a decent amount of time grin well, here's a good reason to send your child to a hostel! :)
wow, she looks awesome cute.
Baby looks cute.BTW what do I tell Uppali's mom?
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