We had a great Diwali in Mumbai. Anush was not scared of the bombs and enjoyed the flower pots and chakras that we put on display for her. Not to mention she thoroughly loved the attention and gifts showered on her by friends & family and discovered that she had a sweet tooth. And yes, she looked gorgeous in her Diwali dress (even if I say so myself)
A good clotheshorse (all babies and some adults fall in this category) can carry off a poor piece of handwork.
Anush’s paavadi chattai had to be stitched before Diwali. I found one obliging tailor, after 3 tailors flat refused. He gave me a date and charged a sum that I knew was a more than due remuneration for his service. I did not debate it. The tailor did not deliver on date. When my maid went the next day he actually asked her to return after 1 hr since the piece had gone for ironing. An hour later, he made her wait for over half an hour, mentioning that I would be angry if she went empty handed (unreasonable as I am -J). I got back home from work and began packing up for the journey when I noticed he has not placed the much-promised lining on the sleeves. To his chagrin I went back to the shop and raged and ranted like a bull on rampage. ONLY after asking politely why the lining had not been provided and getting a smart alecky remark “ there was insufficient cloth!! ” Also “ I accepted this assignment for the sake of the child” .. so what if the child gets a rash on account of rough embroidery patches. Anyway I breathed down his neck and got the repair done but I promised myself I would UN recommend the tailor whenever I could and never go back myself. This episode earned me the sobriquet- lawyer (“…don’t talk like a lawyer. This is not a court…”) – wish the career guidance cell in college had pointed out this options.
Does that absolve the tailor of doing a good job? I wonder whether the above would be a valid grievance to go to consumer court. Maybe the amount would not qualify? Maybe some consumer activist may chance upon this and give me some tips?
Maybe I am overreacting…
tailor, cobbler, maid... we put up with them whatever happens
Take these things lighter. I faced many like this. But nothing can be done. Just avoid them next time else try to deal with them smartly if required.
Anush looks cho chweet. Super paavadai sattai. You should give credit to yourself for being so patient. I am very much a ready made person and the one time I asked a tailor to stitch a blouse for Ashu, it was a mishap!
inspite of the bitter story behind the dress, it still looks gorgeous on the gorgeous kid :)
Hey Art -
She looks gorgeous in her Diwali dress - there I said it (and meant it )too :-)
You aren't overreacting, the moment he agreed to do the job, it was understood that he would have to do it to your satisfaction. He didn't take the job out of concern for the child, he took it because he wanted the extra cash. So you're absolutely justified in being annoyed.
As far as going to consumer court, hmm, yes that might be overreaction - I think you'll find that it's not worth the hassle.
I think he did a pretty neat job. She looks gorgeous!
She looks adorable:-)
She looks beautiful, so all your trouble was worth the while! Hope you had a wonderful Diwali. I haven't launched any firecrackers since I was about 7 or 8 (since I left India). It must have been fun. =)
Anush looks damn cute & the dress is even more lovely! Ur incident with the tailor reminded me of a similar incident I had when I ordered a (fancy) cake for my son's 1st bday. The lady promised one thing but delivered something else...charged me exhorbidantly...just cos I was running out of time. Luckily I had ordered another cake too as there was a big crowd. I made it a point to call her after the party & told her abt the big disappointment as she hadnt kept her promise of a fancy cake...it seemed too plain to me.
Since then I never order cakes from her tho shes supposed to be the best & all the Indians here flock to her!
Needless to say, even @ the slightest opportunity I talk abt this incident to others & point out other venues of obtaining good cakes!
when it comes to one's children we're all bulls on a rampage.You are not over reacting.Anush looks great.So the bull fight was worth the trouble.Glad you had a nice time with family.
no matter what you say art...this kid rocks in her fancy attire. just look at her - a real clothes horse...looks like she's inherited her mom's love for clothes ;)
and atleast you got to yell at her tailor, poor aadi has a beautiful lucknowi kurta pJ that he cant wear today(Eid) coz the neck hole is way too small.....and the tailor is in India (man I am sooooo mad!!!)
ah! I observe - the 'pre-Gym' tag in your description is now changed to 'gymming' - somebody's taking good care of herself these days :)
done your tag.. Anushka looks extremely cute in the pavadai :-)
Anushka looks lovely.
I am never good at breathing down the throats of those providers of lesser quality services. That is the reason I stay away from. You seem to be pretty good.. lucky you!
thanks ALL for lending a ear and trying to empathise.
i guess ready mades are a good idea but a better one would be to learn tailoring...i will possibly end up shouting at myself
tnx farah for noticing and for doing a really hilarious tag
this is one of the reason why i opt for ready made clothes for D'vali.
thanks for the visit.
SO Cute Anush is looking!! Is she wearing the paavadi chattai?? Tailors are all alike...you can't stand them and can't do without them either
Lawyer hmnn??
You sound like my Dad and I mean it as a compliment. My dad has very little tolerance for people in the service industry who do not live up to his standards. My brother and I would be amused to see him getting all worked up and using " the consumer court" card so often. But now,living in the US, I have a renewed and deep appreciation for the term "customer service" I wish everyone would epress their dissatisfaction as you just did and eventually our country would be a better place for it!
That dress was worth all that raging and ranting!She looks beautiful.
Well, tailors are the same all over...Sigh...at least this one gave it before you left on your journey - look at the bright side!
it was definitely worth the trauma.. she looks pretty pretty in her dress.. :)
she looks really cute! is why i'm hoping we'll have a lil girl so i can dress her up...hehehe! tailors are evil. period. during the festive season, i swear they sprout horns and a forked tail....they are minions of satan! ok, maybe now, I'm overreacting :)
Anush certainly looks absolutely fetching and cute, so I guess all your raves and rants did yield results.
I have a son, no paavaadais, no frills, no laces, only the same old shorts and T-shirts!
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