We witnessed a rath yatra like a
Tomatina fest , devotees ( teenaged boys mostly) were pelting bananas at the chariot, some even managing to land them on the top umberella! Aditi said they are " naughty boys" to be flinging anything other than a ball. Some lessons are well learnt.

Our apt housekeeping does not disturb rangolis till i smudge them up a bit at least. So got to take this snap of Anuska's handiwork.
Does zero comments mean zero readers? Apparently not as per statcounter. But still a few comments would not hurt me. Are you LISTENING?
Delurking to say that I read all your posts. Usually there are comments and I don't have anything more interesting to add. I enjoy Anush's art very much. Please do keep writing about Anush and Aditi.
no no no...no zero readers...I read you EVERY TIME you post...and I love reading you..about Anush, Aditi, Bangalore, your trips to Mumbai, about Aditi's reaction to summer camp..everything ...dont stop okie :)
I just dont comment :( Getting lazier I guess...but I sure read you everytime
De-lurking for the first time, yes, yes,yes, I wait for your posts everyday, it keeps me positive through the day.
de-lurking. i am here often. as lazy to comment as i am to blog myself :)
am willing to leave a comment on fb for every post i read :)))
Delurking. Been reading all the posts of the blog.
Arty,I've been reading your blog for many years now and have commented may be couple of times and havent commented at others due to sheer laziness..Your posts are short , crispy and to the point and esp, full of colors and vibrant with pics of aditi and Anush,more importantly,the short reviews you give about restaurants and the events happening around the city.Now that I've come off the starting trouble, will comment more often..
Listening AND reading - everyday, every post. Dont stop - will miss it majorly if you do.
Actually marvel at how much you can say in so less words-incapable of that myself!
And love all the headers that you keeo changing of Aditi and Anush
Haa no not at a ll... urs is a site that I stop at every day! I esp luv reading the tales of ur younger one.. she truly seems like a adorable litt imp!
Thanks all, that is so sweet of all of you!
I think I have commented earlier, I read your blog often.
Like the updates in general and love the ones about the cute little girls.
Like your style - short and crisp.
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