Bye/ bye bye/ tata- if she sees you moving out of sight and to ask to be taken out
Up- to show the fan or the moon
Baby- All small kids -real, on paper and TV
Akka/ Anna/ dada- used correctly
Atthai- for a few well known aunts who visit
Thhaatha- used perfectly
Apathi- for Chapathi the moment the roti bai enters the home
Bikki- biscuit
Mummum- depending on tone- Give me food! OR You are eating ? Without me?- this one is the same....
Dhudhoo- Milk- this too
Aacchu with empty hands extended- to mean over
No no no- with vigorous head shake
Hutch eee- for sneeze after she really does
Dhee Dhee- dance
Than thoo- thanks
Nite nite- good night
uv ooo- love you
Bowbow- any dog/ animal
Birdie- bird
Kaaa- car
AB CHEE- ABC - taught by Anush
hot- meaning hot beverage
Oh with horror on face and palm on mouth- when she drops something
Wow, Pitty- for appreciation
Adi- herself
She calls my name with authority ( learnt from her dad and my mom no doubt)
Her favourite word and person- Appa! Appa! Appa! APPPPPPPAAAA!!
Awww! I so loved loved loved it..and the header pic...priceless :)
Sooo cute - this post will be fun to come back to when she's older !! I love her cheeky grin !!
Dhruv's fav is listening to things he used to say as a baby ;-)
And Anush's photo on the sidebar - very nice !!
Such a cute post! Its amazing to see how they hop from single words to stringing them together. Than-koo, athai, thatha, bikki- all so similar- a dialect by itself:)
How I miss all that now! Kala tikka!
CUTE!!!!! That's a million dollar smile in the header.
The header pic is adorable! And Anush learning dance? Wow :-)
Congrats on the new series. You are truly inspiring Art.
Awwww... What's with second born and their daddy love, huh? Mine's first word when she wakes up in the morning is Dadda!
Thanks all
Minka/ TPL
Yes, Anush is learning dance- been two months or so- she is very graceful with the hand signs but her movements look more like Karatenatyam!! :-)
Yes Aditi just worships Navy- giving me much needed respite!
New series is more urban with a girl hero ...hope u like it if and when u get to read it
i so want to meet her art... ohhhhhhh plsss tell me when i can come over!
whenever i come to your blog, i leave with a smile.. seasons greetings for tomorrow.. :-)
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