August 03, 2010

It is chilly out there!

pic courtesy google
A good friend of my folks passed away yesterday. He was under 60 and suffered a heart attack. He was the one who showed me how generous one can be with gifts.

He loved good food but was really lanky. And yes he had to eat chillies ( raw) with every meal.

RIP P uncle.


manisha sharma said...

hey , nice blog , like it ,
won't be nice if i u can clickover to my blog page too ,
& post some suggestion

The Kid said...

RIP P uncle.

Shankari said...

RIP P uncle. Sending some prayers your way Art and to your family.

Unknown said...

hugs n prayers.

Anonymous said...

Here is a big hug coming your way.. And we will pray that you feel better soon.. and his souls rests in peace..

Be happy again.. its nice to see you happy.. Love!

artnavy said...

thank you. I am not sad but just a bit uncomfortable of how transient things are

well monisha-
ur comment here is irrelevant for one and not on this post!!anyway all the best with blogging