July 29, 2010

Hair and there

Discovered this old snap of Anushka. Can't help wondering if she would look cuter with a short haircut? Madam will n0t hear of it though.


Sandhya said...

Anush looks chic and oh so cute! Appu too wont let me talk her into cutting her hair at all. I feel she looked much more cuter with shorter hair. And it would have been so easy for me to manage her shorter hair!

Shruti said...

Gosh! aditi resembles her a lot :) . Love the long hair version more.

R's Mom said...

She looks cute with short hair.. and I agree to Sandhya..its so much easier to manage :)

artnavy said...

thanks sandhya

shruti- she will be happy to know she has supporters

r's mom-:-)

Shankari said...

I love the long haired anush. Though am sure, it is tougher for you to manage! I got Na's hair also cut short, she looks very different now. Unable to decide though whether she looks cuter now or before!

ranjani.sathish said...

No !!! Art...Anushka looks so beautiful with her long hair. Tell her I support her big time :-)

The Print Lover said...

I vote for long hair too. It looks nice on her.
Art, how will u keep malli and mullai if there isn't enough hair? :)

Sands said...

Gosh love both the long and short hair style. Personally though I think long hair gives her more options :) Meg like Anush won't hear of short hair so I can relate.

artnavy said...

long tresses for guarenteed stress!!...just kidding

but that is the way it is and that is the way it will be for now...

Mama - Mia said...

she would look nice in any style she chooses! so let her make that decision... or make her think she has made it! ;)

