This analysis tool indicates that the author of
http://abouttimenow.blogspot.com/ is of the type:
ESFP - The PerformersThe entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead - they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.The enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.
what do u think? is thatu?? I got the same analysis :)
Wow. Where do you find these things?! I checked out mine too, and based on my blog, I am a mechanic :) I thought the independent and problem-solving bit matched, but not so much the rest...
I got the same reading. And I am sooo not the living in the present moment kind, I'm a planner... totally. And avoiding conflicts? I say what I feel without thinking 2 much. But then... I have changed a lot in recent times. All the same soft fabrics n sweet smells is definitely not me, cottons in earthy colours and kitchen smells anyday!
Oh the Myers Briggs one.. I'm ENFP. at one point of time I used to guess these 4 letters right after some interaction with people :D
btw, the 'SP' combination is supposed to be rare and a niche ability to spot a hidden trend
The Tulika blog by the way is ISFP - The Artists
"The gentle and compassionate type. They are especially attuned their inner values and what other people need. They are not friends of many words and tend to take the worries of the world on their shoulders. They tend to follow the path of least resistance and have to look out not to be taken advantage of.
They often prefer working quietly, behind the scene as a part of a team. They tend to value their friends and family above what they do for a living."
What lovely, self-effacing people we at Tulika are. *Sniff*
I have yet to check this out.. I wanted to tell you that I love the header picture! I love that smile :)
Hail fellow, well met, Tulika. Even my blog rates as Artistic!
You might have guessed.... I am ENFP :)
Based on mine, I got rated as ISFP - The Artists
The closest that I am to art is when I am reading your blog !
good fun??
partially correct is what it is- like with fortune predictions
just time pass anyway!!
tulika/ - :-))
shankari- sweet na- aditi resembles anush a LOT
That "pokkavai" smile is such a treasure I'm telling you.. take as many snaps as possible.. since it goes away pretty fast :(
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