Else one can always opt for Indian unbranded soft cotton jablas- pure white being my favourite.
While on baby clothes- a new outlet by name Half Ticket has opened on Velachery Taramani road- will be nice to have an alternative to Shantis, Adyar which is THE one stop place for infant/baby related shopping.
Thanks Art. That'll be of big help. :)
The little one is so cute. She is already smiling :)
Hey Art! Aditi is so cute! Just like Anush- the banner is lovely. Both babies should sport kala tikkas.
awwwww adorable
kala tikka
Aditi is damn cute Arthi...Thanks for the info on baby's clothing. Should be useful in 3 months from now :)
Lovely pic Art. Aditi is lovely :)
And, you are way so cool. Blogging, watching movies, reading etc all with a new baby in tow. WoW!
Aditi is sooper cute - looks like she is flexing her arms in the pic :)
isn't it the most awesome feeling when you see the two of them together?! just look at that header!
She is so very very cute! And she is smiling!!!!!! I love the header.
how do u do this
movies reading and blogging so regularly - with Anush and little Aditi ...
she is not even a month old..
do u have a proxy writer ;-)
kaala tikka for everything
ur adorable kids and superwoman Arthi
Oh, yummy! She's already smiling!
Aditi is sooooooooooo cute. kala tikka
thanks a lot
aditi looks diff every day and even at times during the course of the day
but i am no superwoman- i have ample support at home and am blessed to be healthy- only post on the blog- am unable tovisit my fav haunts or comment at their place
when wil i call you? soon i hope! and yes i LOVE Zero clothes. even their PJs have the softest elastic for l'il older kids!
and i LOVE the photos!! all of em!! :)
Hey! There is a half ticket in Ahmedabad too :)
abha- :-))
worldthru- maybe it is a franchise?
Where in Adayar is Shanthis? I know my mom will love that piece of information to shop. Thanks for the headsup about HalfTicket. Mom is in the Velachery area so I am sure it will be one of her frequent haunts once she gets back to India
Awww! What a cutie!!
And I agree...I used to love buyinz Zero for my boys. The quality of cotton is excellent! If only they'd make stuff for older kids as well... :(
near the icici bank petrol bunk turning off the lb road as u r coming in from tiruvanmiyur side the left turn , u will find it on the left side of the road
yu hav mentioned about half ticket......... ofcourse its gr8 with lots of colection for kids and at affordable prises .... i now feel i had been wasting money buying inferior stuffs paying more now i felt comfortable thanks for your guidence.
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