I am taking Boo's open invite and keying in this CUTE tag as Anush has not yet developed the "motor skills" to do so herself
3 Things That Scare Me
My potty chair if I have to sit on it
The sun TV theme ad- globe ( it is like the boulder in Raiders of the Lost Arc, my amma says)
Otherwise I am game for anything
3 People That Make Me Laugh
3 Things I Love
Karadi Tales Nursery Rhymes
Striking down with one blow the ring stack/ building blocks tower
Making faces in the mirror
3 Things I Hate
Going to anyone else when Amma is around ( she is around so little anyway)
Stranger trying to act familiar
3 Things I Don't Understand
Why should I not change the channels on the TV and make it difficult for any one to watch it ( they should be watching ME)
Why cant I eat Bindis? (My wink should make up for the mischief)
Why cant I have spicy food like vattha korambu saadam?
3 Things On My Floor.
Ball Paper and me
3 Things I'm Doing Right Now
Sleeping ( in a frog pose) so amma can blog in peace
3 Things I Can Do
I can shut all the doors that the adults in the house dont
I can turn on/off any swich within my reach
I can entertain anyone with my endless " Hi" s and yoddling and show you how to have a bath
3 Ways to Describe My Personality
Mishchevous Happy Lovable
3 Things I Cant do
I call myself Akka- can't say Anushka I fight sleep.
I cannot sleep on my own
I cannot go pee squating/ sitting. I need to stand.
3 Things I Think You Should Listen To
Amma singing anything in Hindi
The Doggy song
The Malargal song
3 Things I Think You Should Never Listen To
If someone says" No"
3 Absolute Favorite Foods
Bun Appalam Any sweet the laddoo kind
3 Things I'd Like to Learn Operate
Phone- so that i do not have to listen to " pl check the no...." and talk to some one else
Car- mine- learn somethign other than reversing
Laptop- so that I can keep seeing my pic as the screen saver and kissing it over and over
3 Beverages I Drink Regularly
Milk with Complan
Badam Milk
3 Shows I Watched as a little(r) Kid
Never had the patience to sit through an entire show. Like only music.
Dinakaran Ad
Selvi title song
Just Chill Song
3 Fellow Babies That I am Tagging
All the babies who had not taken up Ashu's ( Boo's Kid) offer initially.
oh this is SO GODDAMN CUTE!!!
choo chweet!! I'm hoping i'll have a little girl too :))
Since you mentioned it, i'm going to digress and ask you how to use vattha korambu (since you've mentioned it)? my dear FIL gave me a packet of this paste and for the life of me I don't know how to use it! Didn't want to ask him and make it seem like an unwelcome gift (he's a sweetheart)! I'm assuming it's used like puliyogre paste i.e. to be mixed with rice?? Please help!!
Thanks both
Paste format from which brand? the method is not mentioned on teh pack? Some of them are ready to use- inhot rise with ghee.
Some you need to heat a little water( 100 ml) to dilute the paste (to say a tamarind chutney consistency)
Heat and then season in ghee, with mustard, curry leaves and chundakai vatthal.( optional)
chooo chweet.... :-)
Now, I'm a baby too, so even i'll try doing that tag :-)
Just to add on another post...lol
3 Things I Think You Should Never Listen To
If someone says" No"
so cute. they really don't belive in no
Oh! How did I ever forget the appalam?! Thats Ashus favorite too! I can only eat in peace by bribing her with bits and pieces of appalam. Now whenever any one sits to eat, she goes and stands near them for a piece of appalam. And embarrassment would be an understatement to explain my plight! ;) Cute post, BTW!
well done:-)
Why cant I eat Bindis? (My wink should make up for the mischief)
Indeed, why not! receiving a wink should be worth it :)
Hey thats so damn cute! Enjoyed reading thru!
Very cute.. She has a co-child blogger. My sons ;) at http://d-championz.blogspot.com and http://d-presidenz.blogspot.com
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