May 01, 2012

Cubbon Capers

Anushka attended an interesting rhythm and music appreciation workshop in British Library conducted by UAS.

We took the chance to take Aditi to Cubbon Park. The little lady enjoyed all the rides and took a long time seeing all the smaller fish, pouting as they did and asking if she could join them in the "tub". She also proclaimed she did not like the larger fish.

I realise we do not do many/ any thing alone with the second born while the first born has many such experience from the past ( pre Adi era) and even occasionally now since she is older. Must remedy that whenever possible.


Gayatri said...

she looks too cute. The header photo is also quite cute

Vidya madhusudan said...

Hi Art,

How do you come to know about the programs which happens for kids in Bangalore? I would also take my kid to all these learnings

Anonymous said...

Nice blog

I had the same question as vidya above :)

Artnavy said...

cubbon is always open

as for UAS
i bumped into UAS in Soul Santhe- so i get their newsletter- if u subscribe to newsletters u shld get updates mostly