February 29, 2012

Deeply DP

Recall the song ? I used to like it . Really!!

Anyway this DP is Devdutt and Anush has tried to copy his art in Jaya.
We thought for the time she took and her age it was a decent effort.

The originals and her versions


Preeti said...

anushka is very very talented... awesome!

this book that you released of hers- is it available at a bookstore? or any library? do let me know... want to pick it up for my anushka :-)

sandhya said...

Lovely! Give her a hug from me.

AA_Mom said...

incredible for a kid that young

IBH said...

that is brilliant, Art!

geeth said...

She's good!

Lavs said...

WOW WOW...for anush. what is DP song?

Lakshmi said...

Decent? Are you making an understatement? It is FANTASTIC for her age.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

wow! she is so amazing! Mine has been sneakily reading that book much to my chagrin! I have hidden it away now.