November 14, 2011

When I was young....

People often say that their childhood was the best time of their life.
Though I was not a depressed child, I cannot claim the same. My childhood was good but it was also an awkward and insecure phase.

As I recall, I have always strived to enjoy life all the time, at any age. So there are a lot of good memories and some tough ones.... what about you?

We went to two entirely different kids' programs yesterday
One noble ( Ashwini trust's Annual day) , one subtly opportunistic ( fest by a Pre school) in nature
While kids enjoyed both, the first one left me inspired and introspective
Saw Rockstar- loved first half- the second half was a DRAG
Do look up ST for a chat with Samhita Arni- a child author , now grown up.
Kids who have read the book are welcome to pose questions if they have.
You will also see some extra goodies at ST today. Do not miss the fun!!


MLC said...

delurkin to say tht you hv such adorable kids! They dont resemble eachothr eithr! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think this is my second time commenting here.
You have two lovely kids! Kala tikka.

Choxbox said...

header is lovely!

Anonymous said...

Header Pic is AWESOME. Anush has this absolutely grown-up look and Aditi is all NAUGHTY!


Mama - Mia said...


my childhood was motsly fun! yes, went through the insecure phase too, but thankfully we got out almost unscathed, eh?! ;)
