October 06, 2010

Hear Ear!

We got Aditi's ears pierced yesterday. She cried a bit but not inconsolably like Anush had. Gun shots by the doc. No ear "wrings" or rings either. Only ear studs!

I recollected the trauma and nervousness we had been through during Anushka's first time.

Was sure I did not want the family achari doing it and that too on her star birthday which is next week.

Hopefully Aditi takes to the ear rings easier than her sister did.

And what did Anush have to say on returning from school and enquiring if we had hurt Aditi ..." Amma BUT she STILL looks like a boy!!"


starry eyed said...

LOL! Glad it went off well...it's nerve-wracking for the mom! I went outside and cried while my mom held my 2 babies!

Rohini said...

I went the traditional wire ring route and it was very easy and we haven't had any problems yet. Hope Aditi settles into her earrings soon.

artnavy said...

poor you or shld i say your mother!!

you did it early? bef she turned one? we are not allowed till the baby is one....

as for wire route- it is great in proficient hands- finally that is what worked for anushka- a roadside profesional jeweller in chennai

the family achari in Blore was not ok- hence i decided on gun shot piercing for aditi.

R's Mom said...

Great it went off well..we did the traditional wire method for R and there was no probs at all...of course for R, I did it at 28 days..and she was totally okie except that 2 seconds of crying during the pricking process :) and LOL on Anush's comment :)

Anonymous said...

Samething happened with my daughter too, planning to go for gunshot, which GRT branch did u go for, please gimme information. Tx

DC said...

Happy that it was less painful. And LOL at 'she still looks like a boy'. Baby S gets the same comment from lot of ppl.. she looks so much like a boy :-)

RGB said...

Good it all went well. Had my 2nd daughter's ears pierced by the gun shot method when she was 1. She turned completed red and my heart was so close to my ear almost breaking my ear drum, but in a couple of minutes, she calmed down.

Sue said...

LOL Bet she looks adorable in them. Pic, please.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter does look very very cute


The Print Lover said...

LOL @ Anush. But Aditi (from all her pics here) does not look like a boy at all. So dont worry Anush.

Anonymous said...

We went all NRI for our first, and got a large jewellery store to send an aachari to the ayush homam location with a ear-piercing gun, used alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment, the works - and naturally it was a disaster :) And my son pulled one earring out in a week and stylishly wore the other until he started pre-school :) For the second, we went back to basics - the aachari attached to the temple where daughter's mottai was done - all old-fashioned - we did wipe down his ear-piercing needle with an alcohol wipe, but that was it. Daughter looked surprised at the first poke, geared up to wail, and right then the temple elephant was brought to his spot behind the aachari and she was so fascinated, she forgot to cry. second ear was pierced without her noticing. Both ears were packed with kumkum and we did the coconut oil/turmeric application for about a week, and that was it....

Of course, son now wants to get his ears pierced again...told him he could do it with his own pocket money....:)


Cantaloupes.Amma (CA) said...

I cried more than my girls did my they got their ears pierced ! And both my kids got their ears pieced before they turned 6 months !

Shankari said...

i went the traditional way too for Na, decided not to do it for Rad and had gunshot for her. She also wears studs while Na had the traditional rings. Till date, Na is quite apprehensive about earrings, and I hope that Rad takes to it better :) What a co-incidence right?

Pictures of "boy" aditi please :)

artnavy said...

i wonder if our girls will be happy about wearing ear rings when they grow up....for all the trouble we took!!

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

Sweet but scary too, I am still frightened when I hear of ear piercing.