August 08, 2010

What a weekend!

Had a full weekend. Managed an ST meet with Pratham bookshsop visit thrown in( missed Apu though), a visit to Kaveri and a day trip to Chintamani.

Visited one of Navy's cousin's gorgeous independent home, after eleven years of postponing the same! Blame it on Navy of course. Here is a chair from their home which I loved-

Here are somethings on my table ( to be specific the printer on the table) for Patty's August Theme.


sandhya said...

It was great meeting all of you, though we missed meeting some of the kids.

artnavy said...

hey sandhya- hope to see u this sat and we can catch up!

Gayatri said...

- Now is that a doting mother or what :b
- nice chair :)

artnavy said...

gayatri-:-))i bought a lot more- slow release....

Anonymous said...

Im super super happy... Two table top posts from you... Thank you.. thank you for joining in...

And thats an awesome pic.. so colourful and happy!!