August 06, 2010

A taste of culture

Dastkar ( a familiar name from my Chennai days and even the Delhi trip last year) is in Bangalore. Somehow make the time and go there. It has never let me down.


The Print Lover said...

Aditi looks so cute with the sumo wrestler style kondai.

The Kid said...

what can you eat there?

artnavy said...

TPL- :-) does not like it!!

kid- it is not about food, it is about handicrafts and folk shows and the like

but they do have ethnic food stalls as well as per the write up ( refer the link)

Preeti said...

I was let down by the Dastkar mela this time... Some of my usual favorites came up with some drab stuff this time... and everything was overpriced... atleast 3 times more than the usual prices...
Managed some cute craft stuff though and an awesome paper mache hand written nameplate

Simran said...

I did go to Dastkar and loved it!
Wrote a post abt it too -
Thanks for letting us know!