December 05, 2009

Watch this space

This time last year we were pretty thrilled about our home making news like this

And now we feel we are not putting this home to good enough use- we may even think of renting it out...

Things change unexpectedly but I strongly believe all change is for the good


Choxbox said...

second the last line!

Anonymous said...

Is not putting this home to good enough use is the only reason ?.I think for a family of 4 , the flat is good.If you are planning to rent it out , please keep us posted.


utbtkids said...

You are considering renting my dream home?! I wish I could rent it from you. Inshaallah.

IBH said...

what are you saying????nooo! one of the main reason for me to move to that area is YOUR house...and you guys..:(

artnavy said...

vimonisha- yes- drop me a mail

chox/ utbt - :-)


Just Like That said...

Weird indeed- me planning to rent'sell my flat in Blr.
When we were planning to buy it, if anyone had told me that 5 yrs down the line we'd be thnking of this, I'd have looked at them as if they were crazy. Sigh!