The food stalls were full of variety but most of them smelt of non veg- and masala and hence I gave it a pass. The Kambar payasam ( kheer) was really interesting though. Anush had a frappe at the Tamil Food fest!!
We chanced upon a lovely kids clothes shop called Fashion Hut if I recollect . Bought a few things for Anush.
Next day we went for Chandni Chowk to China and was it a let down! Despite the bad reviews we went for it- have only ourselves to blame. Too much slapstick. Only Mithun was nice but his kicking Akshay was definitely not.
Saw a cute movie on mistaken identity with Dustin Hoffman/ Geena Davis called Hero. Liked it (particularly the digs at media and their undying thirst for drama) but somehow it seemed a bit too simplistic.

Sunday we went yet again to the regional rail museum ( ICF) and since it was Navy's first visit , Anush and I spent more time at the play area and he went into the details of trains, rails, brakes and the mechanics of it. We also met an unsung hero- a gentleman who had restored an ancient engine called the Fairy Queen.
For more on the title go here. I must admit I did not know it till recently. Our friends were to join us to the rail musuem but dropped out when we suggested a Sunday morning. I realise we keep oursleves pretty busy even on holidays - unlike most who would use the time to rest and catch up on sleep.
wow!! i never stop getting surprised at how much you pack in your day! :)
Sounds like such a lovely weekend. :)
Love the pictures.
lordy you live an interesting life!
such lovely pics.. CCTC... the less said the better
I wish I could do so much over the weekend and then return to work on monday without complaining !!
LOL :-))
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