Our bedroom is referred to as the light green room and her room is the blue and yellow room.
Last evening on the way home, I was trying to tell her that she should try to sleep in her room on her own bed.
" Anush as we grow big we do more and more things ourselves. Like you go susu and potty on your own, you eat on your own ....does Amma ask Appa to brush her teeth...does she call someone to clean her bum after potty....."
After a lot of such wise words, I asked " Anush will you sleep in your room now on?"
"Yes Amma. I will sleep in my room- the light green room is my room. We must share ok?"
And giggled at her own joke!!
aww.....that's way too cute.
& the Dashaavatar display is really good. Are these in wood?
kondapalli bommas- from andhra - u shld find them in exhibitions or lepakhshi easily
oops- i changed the pic
Anush is an intelligent girl!!
and can you pls put the picture of the Dasavatharam back again.. I think I missed it.
I have heard heaps about Lepakshi in Tirupathi.. are you talking about the same place?
the AP cottage emporium is called Lepakshi- i was referring to that
lepakshi is indeed a beautiful place
the dolls are made of a light weight wood from Kondapalli- will put the PIC back in corners of my home
Very pretty kondappalli dolls and the shelf, too!
why am i not surprised that she has a smart answer for everything! :)
Wow, the Dasavatharam set looks pretty.
But prettier is Anush's painting :-) Am growing to be a big fan of her art. Is that a drawing of necklace with pendant and bangles? It looks like that to me... very nice.
blogeswari/ mamma mia/ dc- thanks all
blogeswari- the stand came with it
dc- yes it is - made under my mom's eye
Can't beat that logic, can you???
LOL! how will we keep up with these kids?!
No way you are going to be able to win with such a smart child around Art!
Did I miss the pics? Please put them up. I am crazy about kolu bommais! Have been wanting a wooden set since long long time!
BTW Anush is surely smart lol!
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