They are both American icons that have found acceptance world wide
They have stood the test of time
They were rebels of sorts
There have spawned a bunch of fakes , the best of which cannot even be the sixth carbon copy of the original
Hail Elvis and Levis!
And yes i saw Honeymoon travels, not at the theatre though and found some of it rather cute, most of it over the top and just loved the dance song with Abhay Deol and some heroine. The soundtrack is pretty catchy too. Dying to see the Smith duo in Pursuit of Happyness.
Analog and Rebus wondered why there is no Men's Day ( refer their comments on the previous post) While it maybe a marketing gimmick, I agree that we must celebrate our fathers, brothers, hubbies and best friends. So I thought I would have a poll. Any date that garners more than 40% of the votes and a minimum of 15 votes will be the day we celebrate Men's Day. Alas the poll was not meant to be but we do have a Men's Day which i will remember to celebrate.
and 28th march it will be... vote for the 28th now and win a free _______* (insert whatever you want).
* - Conditions apply
hey that was a good observation!!!
Wow,I never really observed that anagram!good observation art.Pursuit of happiness is a good movie,I liked it.About Men's day I agree there ought to be one to celebrate them too.I think I would go with 3/8 sounds fair enough:)
I have inconvenient truth and devil wears prada lined up for the weekend....:)
and i agree with the elvis, levis observation!
and anush looks adorable in her orange and green dress:)
hey this Elvis and Levis theory is pretty interesting.......... some food for thought there!
Honeymoon travels, love the Bengali couple.. like the first half, I think the director was trying to be ironical abt the fact tht the only "perfect couple" are "super people" but wish she had shown i in different way!
Brands thrive on recognition and we recognize by cognizance of already known fact; so it may very well be a well crafted idea; and you discovered it out.
Hmmph, coming back I still wld go for 3/8 the mars/venus flip.
nice observation...
I like elvis but i love levis after i got my new levis shoes..LOL
N that girl opposite abhay deol in the dance song is minisha lamba (dunno the spelling)...
orchid, fuzzy, mad moma, cloudy- thanks
rebus- u in mktg for sure aren't you?
aparna- yes the metaphor was rather exaggerated
Ofcourse; VOTE FOR 3RD AUGUST :) .. vote for 3rd August.
I saw the International Men's Day, though not much has been written in it; another peculiar the page was updated on 8 March 2007; so someone got a similar idea to dedicate.
Cool. Levis/ Elvis - I never noticed that...
Never looked at an elvis tee shirt like that.it was good observation.I think there should be a mens day too.
Nice observation.... never observed that until I read your post :)
you would also find other word "lives"...and "veils".
and evils of course
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